Sunday, 24 January 2016

Economic Activities for Survivality

Capital is the means of production. Therefore, capital may be any equipment or non-equipment which may be physically non-existent but  means in leading to production. There are many communities in the world who are away from means of production or from the activities of market economy. They do not know even what is market economy. They do get involved in very simple activities for their livelihood. Somehow they make they are living. They are marginalized and left far behind in the path of development in education and in trading. They are engulfed by the outsiders coming from another country and are ruled. They are voices are feeble and not herd by any authority. Perhaps, there is a new for of imperialism coming up in the world today. The creed which can struggle will survived or else died down shortly. World is talking about the conservation of all species animals and environments but not for species of human races. No body is keeping record of them. Even records are preserved, perhaps; for the sake history. Therefore, there will be records of human races for recording in the pages of history but not for their live existence.

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