Monday 25 January 2016

Intolerance is about to engulf World

God is good - in the past, present and will be good in future too. God has given us the freedom live on this earth using its resources as already provided for us. These resources have to be made finished one to be usable for all our purposes without dislocation or imbalances. The world was created scientifically. The world is providing for the need of mankind. All things that human being requires is given in it. Because God is perfect. Yet we complain and blame. Blaming God for a thing that goes wrong is wrong. It is God who gives or grant us wisdom, knowledge and strength. But we want God should come down on earth and do thing for us in setting all things right. Nobody has patience as because we do not feel the presence of God. It is thought that God is not seen, so our deeds are not seen by Him. So people are intolerant in respect of all issues - be it religion, in making policies for different tribes, caste, creed and races. Expression of intolerance also occurs when one has been tolerating continuously with a fact that the other's deeds are overlooked. Justice should roll on all issues irrespective of every citizen. It is like one adult citizen-one vote. 

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